I need to find average of last 10 values in a column of data.
So my formula for averaging would be (say) =average(a1:a10).
I need to update a column of data by inserting rows.
Say I have added 2 rows, but now my formula changes to =average(a1:12) thus I do not get average of last 10 values & I need to manually change the formula to =average(a3:a12).
Is there any other way instead of manually changing the formula?
So my formula for averaging would be (say) =average(a1:a10).
I need to update a column of data by inserting rows.
Say I have added 2 rows, but now my formula changes to =average(a1:12) thus I do not get average of last 10 values & I need to manually change the formula to =average(a3:a12).
Is there any other way instead of manually changing the formula?