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Formula can't read this "-1.86517468137026E-14"(Scientific) as "0" (Numeric)


New Member
Hello everyone,

My pivot table returns zeros in -1.86517468137026E-14, 1.46549439250521E-13, -2.28261853862932E-13 format and I need my formulas to read this as zeros. I changed the output numbers to accounting, numeric but it didn't work.

Pivot output
A1: -1.86517468137026E-14
A2: 1.46549439250521E-13
A3: -2.28261853862932E-13

Formula in
E1 refers to A1xA3: IF(A1=0,TRUE,FALSE)

I cant get "True" out of this formula. As I said befor, I changed the output of the pivot table to numbers (displays zero) but it still doesn't work in this formula.

Thank you so much in advance!
Hello ankuun,
You will not get A1=0 to be TRUE since the value in A1 is not-zero. Is there a range of values you want to consider as zero?

You can map the values you want to treat as zeros using a formula like the following:

The above formula will return a zero for all values between -5 and 1, but return 1 for anything greater or equal to 1.

Hi ,

You might want to read this :


The point is that when you are dealing with floating-point numbers in general , and very small numbers in particular , never check for an exact equality , whether it is 0 or any other number ; always use what is called epsilon or an error-limit value.

Thus when you are checking whether a number equals 2 , what you really want to see is whether the number is close enough to 2 that it makes no difference ; use a check such as :

=IF(AND(number>=2-epsilon,number<=2+epsilon),"equal to 2","not equal to 2")

epsilon is a very small number , say 0.000001

Good idea! I will try that but returning 1 for anything greater or equal to 1 might be a problem.

Its good to hear from you again! Your answers are always awesome! Good article and nice suggestion.
Hello ankuun,
In the LOOKUP, you can change the return value to be something other than 1, as well as the threshold to something else.

For example,
will return 10 for any value greater or equal to 25.
Adjust to suit your needs.
