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Formatting a watchwindow


New Member
I have created a watchwindow, which pops up based on a macro that I created, tied to a ribbon. How do I format individual parts of text within the watch window? For some reason when I am in the Properties Window when I try to bold certain text all of the text becomes bold. Your help would be much appreciated.
I don't think you can format the Watch Window, as it's simply a tool from the VBE used mainly for debugging. If you're wanting something nice to present to a user, perhaps you could design a userform to display the info from the watch window? I'm thinking of some sort of Do Until or If check to monitor a value, and then fire off said userform when criteria is met.
Mike Girvin and Bill Jelen had a podcast duel about this. The built-in watch window is pretty limited, but Bill Jelen made a VBA version that can be formatted however you want. Even if you aren't too familiar with VBA, it's simple enough to make your first project ;)
