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Formating data label in a chart- data labels resizing to the form- data labels 0


New Member

My name is Joana, i am from Spain (Girona) and my english is not very good. I am a fun of excel and i do some works for myself. Now i have a problem, so i am trying to solve it looking in all the forums but i am no able to found the solution. I will try to explain:

I have a chart from a pivot table, is a bar chart, sometimes de values in the pivot table are zero and other times aren't (is a dinamic pivot table). I need that the chart doesn't show the data labels when they are zero and i also need that the data labels text can be read when they are smaller that the other values. Is it possible?

I can send the chart, but I think that here is not possible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards from Girona,

PivotCharts are very limited in what tricks you can apply to them to get the formatting correct. Would it be possible to extract the data you need from the PivotTable (use the GETPIVOTDATA function perhaps?) or directly from your main data, and build the chart from that? A regular chart would give you the freedom needed to make all your formatting changes.
Hello Luke,

At the beginnig I used pivotcharts and I realized on the limitations, now I am using regular chart, but I steel can not format the data labels in the correct form. When the values are big there is no problem because they stay inside the form, but when the value is small there is no way, they solap whith the others data labels or appear when the value is zero.

I have seen the 73 excel charts from this web, and it happens the same. In the bar charts if you put a small value from the others, then the result is not ok.

Anyway, thankyou for answering my question.

Hi Joana ,

Do you think this link helps ?


Hi Narayan,

Is perferct!!! it works fantastic but I have still the problem with the apilated bars with diferent values, when some of them are smallest than the others the data labels get overlapped. I have an option in the "format data label"---> aling option ---> adjust text in the form, but this option is disabled. If you have also a solution for this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Again, thank you very much
