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Format Date to get August 24, 2012


New Member
I have tried every format I can think of to get "August 24, 2012" and I cannot.

What am I doing wrong????


Sub formatthedate()

Dim thisweek As Date

Dim lngDateFormatType As Long

lngDateFormatType = Application.International(xlDateOrder)

'Order of date elements:

'0 = month-day-year

'1 = day-month-year

'2 = year-month-day

'Just checking to be sure -- mine returns a 0!!!!!

Range("a3").Value = lngDateFormatType

thisweek = Right(Range("a14"), 10)

Range("d4").Value = Format(thisweek, "mmmm dd, yyyy")

Range("d5").Value = Format(thisweek, "mmm dd, yyyy")

Range("d6").Value = Format(thisweek, "Long date")

Range("d7").Value = Format(thisweek, "general date")

Range("d8").Value = Format(thisweek, "medium date")

End Sub


0 (in A3)

(Starting in D4)



Friday, August 24, 2012




Week Ending 2012-08-24

Have tried `format(thisweek, "mmmmmmmmm dd, yyyy") and get AugustAug8 24, 2012!

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much,

Hi, rcreek09!

The string "mmmm dd, yyyy" works for me both as custom format for a cell and for parameter for Format function in VBA.

Give a look at this file:


I did:

A1: 24/08/2012

B1: =A1

Formatted B1 with the reluctant string

C1: =A1

Run procedure SlipperyFormat on code of worksheet "Hoja1".

Hope it helps.

Thank you Sir, for the speedy reply.

Unfortunately, I cannot access dropbox from work but I will try this as soon as I get home this evening. Without seeing the file/code, I'm not following you very well, but I trust it will be clear when I can get the file.

The "mmmm dd, yyyy" works for me as a cell function, =text(d4,"mmmm dd,yyyy") in Excel, but I cannot get it work as I expect in vba.

The only way I can get the month spelled out is with Long Date, and that gives me the DAY which I do not want!

Anyway, am anxious to see the SlipperyFormat.

Thank you very much for your help.

Hi, rcreek09!

Here's the code, place it in any module or workbook/worksheets code sections:


Option Explicit

Sub SlipperyFormat()
Range("C1").Value = Format(Range("A1").Value, "mmmm dd, yyyy")
End Sub

Just advise if any issue.

Hi rcreek09,

Just a Normal Modification in SirJB7's Code.. :)

Option Explicit

Sub SlipperyFormat()
Range("C1").Value = Range("A1").Value
Range("C1").NumberFormat = "mmmm dd,yyyy"
End Sub

Here is what I ended up using. I could NOT get the vba format to work as I expected.

An awful lot of trouble just to get this:

August 25, 2012 - August 31, 2012 vs August 27, 2011 - September 02. 2011


thisweek = Right(Range("a13"), 10)

thisweekty = thisweek

thisweekly = thisweekty - 364

thisweekbegly = thisweekly - 6

thisweekbegty = thisweek - 6

twendty = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(thisweek, "mmmm dd, yyyy")

twendly = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(thisweekly, "mmmm dd, yyyy")

twbegly = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(thisweekbegly, "mmmm dd, yyyy")

twbegty = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(thisweekbegty, "mmmm dd, yyyy")

Sheets(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)).Select


ActiveCell.Formula = _



ActiveCell.Formula = twbegty & " - " & twendty & " vs " & twbegly & " - " & twendly

I certainly do appreciate your help VERY much!

Thank you,

Hi, rcreek09!

Would you post the sample files with Debraj Roy's and mine's solutions just to check the arising issue?
