Hello, hope all is well with you. I must say I am truly impressed with you work and your website.
I am having some problems here and I really do hope you can help me out, please and thanks.
I used a formula in excel to generate a set of 4 digit numbers from 0000 to 9999. This worked perfectly!
However, I am trying to flag all 4 digit numbers that contain exactly the same digits, regardless of their arrangement. For example 1, from my list there is a number 1234. I need you to keep the 1234 but flag 1243, 1324, 1342, 1423, 1432, 2134, 2143, 3124, 3214, 4123, 4213, 4312, 4321 (and all other combinations of it) . Example 2, from my list there is a number 0035, I need you to keep the 0035 but flag 0053, 0350, 0530,3500, 5300, 3050, 5030, 3005, 5003 (and all other combinations of it)
I really hope you can provide some support here.
Anticipatory thanks.
I am having some problems here and I really do hope you can help me out, please and thanks.
I used a formula in excel to generate a set of 4 digit numbers from 0000 to 9999. This worked perfectly!
However, I am trying to flag all 4 digit numbers that contain exactly the same digits, regardless of their arrangement. For example 1, from my list there is a number 1234. I need you to keep the 1234 but flag 1243, 1324, 1342, 1423, 1432, 2134, 2143, 3124, 3214, 4123, 4213, 4312, 4321 (and all other combinations of it) . Example 2, from my list there is a number 0035, I need you to keep the 0035 but flag 0053, 0350, 0530,3500, 5300, 3050, 5030, 3005, 5003 (and all other combinations of it)
I really hope you can provide some support here.
Anticipatory thanks.