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First dashboard and averageif(s) and sumif(s)


New Member

I am starting to create a simple dashboard to allow my manager to view sales information from a live excel database. I want the dashboard to be interactive - i.e. allow my manager to select timeframes for the summary information. In very simple terms - I have two columns A - date and B sales ($).

On my dash board I have set up a cell for the start date and another for end date (using the list function of cell validation). I then started writing my formula - either averageif(s) and sumif(s) referencing the selected start and end date as its parameters.

The formula returns 0. However, if I remove the references to the start and end date and type them into the formula I get the answer that I am expecting!

Any help welcomed.

Hi Sam, and welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Can you post a sample of your file with dummy data?
This will ease users to provide you targeted solutions.


Just a suggestion. If your boss is familiar using pivot tables, try it. It is fast. You can do more analysis by using in-built features on date filter. You can easily group the data based on months or years.
