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finsing recent start month


New Member
Hi Experts,

I need to find a solution for one of the task that i need to do.I have a data like shown below

A         B      C       D       E       F                     G
ProjectId Year	Month	Orginal date	Actual/Revised date    startmonth
104143	  2013	JAN	JAN2013	JAN2013
FEB	FEB2013	FEB2013
MAR	MAR2013	MAR2013
APR	APR2013	APR2013
MAY	MAY2013	MAY2013
JUN	JUN2013	JUN2013
JUL	JUL2013	JUL2013
AUG	AUG2013	AUG2013
SEP	SEP2013	SEP2013
OCT	AUG2012	OCT2012
and the order of month for me is Oct-first month,Nov-second,dec-third,jan-fourth...so on..

I need to find in G column the start month which is minimum month out of month column (col C)for that project.I have som many projects like this with month list and i need to find start date for each of project ids.

Please help me on this.

Thanks and Regards,
It looks like the items in col C:E are actually just text strings, rather than dates. Is that correct? Or are they dates that have just been formatted to display like that.

Also, could you add on to your example and show what the expected results would look like? That would help clarify things. Thanks!
Hi Luke,

Thanks,for reply.column c is text rest all are dates coming from one of reporting tool as dates.

I have attached a sample file for your easiness.I want to introduce one column in field such that if i refresh the pivot it should reflect me startmonth column name for example in columnG which will show the oldest month from list of months in column D in pivot table so i basically need to find the for example for proj id-98294 in some other column(startmonth) i need to show only Oct.

please find the link- http://speedy.sh/j5TzM/startmonth.zip

Thanks again
Hi ,

I am not clear on your requirement. I am posting the data which results when I filter on project ID = 98294 :

Sum of Savings
Project Id	Cockpit Status	  Year	Month
98294	    Approved      2012	SEP     SEP2012	SEP2012	103821.4
AUG     AUG2012	AUG2012	103821.4
JUL     JUL2012	JUL2012	103821.4
JUN     JUN2012	JUN2012	103821.4
MAY     MAY2012	MAY2012	103821.4
2013  DEC     DEC2012	DEC2012	103821.4
NOV     NOV2012	NOV2012	103821.4
OCT     OCT2012	OCT2012	103821.4
APR     APR2013	APR2013	103821.4
MAR     MAR2013	MAR2013	103821.4
FEB     FEB2013	FEB2013	103821.4
JAN     JAN2013	JAN2013	103821.4
Grand Total                                                    1245856.8
On what basis do you say that the oldest month is October 2012 ? Can you please explain ?

Hi Narayan,

Thanks for the attempt,I want to find the minimum month for the year 2013 where my months start from Oct=1st month,Nov=2nd month,Dec=3rd month.......Sep=12th month.

So if you see in your post for the year 2013 Oct is my minimum for that year.so i want to adjacent to month column another column as startmonth which will show oct.

Hi Narayan,

Thanks for the attempt,My first month starts from Oct then Nov then Dec.....Sep.

so in the above post for year2013 the minimum month is Oct.

Hi ,

Sorry , but I still do not understand ; if you say the first month is October , then can you post some data where the start month is different from October , so that the logic for deciding the start month becomes clear ?

Hi Narayan sorry for the delay,you can take example as below

ProjId  Month  Output I need
92134   Feb     Jan
92189   Jun     Oct
Hope this is Okay for you like this i have hundreds of data arrangedd in pivot

Thanks and Regards,
Hi ,

Unfortunately , the two project IDs that you have given as examples , do not figure in the worksheet ; I am giving an example project ID which does figure in the worksheet ; can you give the required output for this example ?

97994	Approved	2011	SEP	APR2011	SEP2011	0
AUG	MAR2011	AUG2011	123174.1228
JUL	FEB2011	JUL2011	123174.1228
JUN	JAN2011	JUN2011	123174.1228
MAY	DEC2010	MAY2011	123174.1228
APR	NOV2010	APR2011	123174.1228
MAR	OCT2010	MAR2011	123174.1228
2012	DEC	JUL2011	DEC2011	0
NOV	JUN2011	NOV2011	0
OCT	MAY2011	OCT2011	0
FEB	SEP2011	FEB2012	0
JAN	AUG2011	JAN2012	0