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Finding Unique Values Across Multiple Columns


New Member
Hello Excel Masters!

I am trying to sort through a long list of data (over 21,000 rows) of student profiles in higher education and I need to get specific counts from this data.

Unfortunately, the database outputted the data in a less-than-ideal way. For example, each academic concentration per student occupies a row such that if one student has a double Major concentration, the same student occupies 2 rows. I am able to use the Excel filter to take away the specific academic concentrations (located in a different column) but I need to find how many students have double Major concentrations vs. single Major concentrations.

I recognize this is quite abstract without seeing the data, but due to FERPA laws I'm not able to share the spreadsheet. So my questions, as poignantly as I can put them, are these:

-How can I count the unique numerical values in data set d10:d21712? [Goal: to see how many unique students are in the database]

-If I filter the unique values in d10:d21712, will that filter hold (i.e. not be reset) if I then filter data set e10:e21712 to show me only the students with more than one academic concentration? [Goal: to see how many unique students have multiple concentrations]

-Once I know how many unique students have multiple academic concentrations, can I keep both of the filters above (i.e. so they aren't reset) and then filter the data set q10:q21712 to show me specific major concentrations? [Goal: to see how many unique students have double Major concentrations versus double Minor concentrations]

I would appreciate all input! I've perused the forums many times and can't quite find what works. I've tried the =SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF(d10:d21712,d10:d21712)) formula but I got a #DIV/0! error message (by the way, what does the 1 represent in this formula??).

Check this link out. Gives you lots of options.


Let us know if it doesnt work out.
Hey Montrey,

Thanks for the video. It really just reinforced what I had tried earlier...

I ended up taking the "outsmart excel" approach and created a new spreadsheet with data from the columns I needed filtered, so as to "lock" the filtered data in place.

Thanks a MILLION for such a speedy response though!


Hey sorry I couldn't help you further. Its sort of tough without a sample file.

Anyways glad you found a solution.

Hi Montrey,

You can always ask for Sample Sheet with random data Using Rand() & Randbetween() in case some one has confidential data. Once done, he/she can eliminate formula working behind by paste special to get sample data!

