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Finding if a number in one cell is within 10% of number in another cell.


New Member
I have daily data arranged in columns by date.

Column 1 |Column 2

100 |118

112 |115

110 |118

114 |120

102 |114

I want to create a Logical Function which returns TRUE/ FALSE if the number in Column 2 is within range of +10%/ -10% range of the number in Column 1

I have tried using many combinations of Logical Formula and the closest result have come from - =IF(AND(A1<B1*1.1,A1>B1*0.9),"TRUE","FALSE")

But it doesn't seem to work all the time.

Please help.


Hi Asseem,

See if this gives you the results you want:

Where 100 is in A2 and 118 is in B2.