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Finding a match across two sets of data


New Member
I have two sets of data X (Course) and Y (Student). X shows the list of courses available with 4 criterias which define a course. Y shows the list of students with the same criterias.

Data X


X 1 2 3 4






Data Y


Y 1 2 3 4

a Y Y Y Y

b Y N Y Y

c Y N Y N

d N Y Y Y

e N N Y N

f Y Y N N

g N Y Y N

h Y Y N N

I would like to see which student is mapped to which course depending on the 4 criterias. Eg: a->D. While 1-3 criterias are standard, the criteria 4 is flexible ie if 4 is Y then it would be used for matching else only first 3 criterias will be used.Eg: c has N under 4, so we use only criteria 1-3 for matching and we get c->A. One way is to concatenate these criterias to get an unique string and then lookup but this becomes complicated if we have a lot of data and a large no. of flexible criterias.
Hi ,

I have a couple of questions :

1. Will two courses have the same criteria ? If yes , then when matching , which course should be displayed ? The first match , the last match or all matches ?

2. You say that 4 is to be used only if it is a Y ; is this to be applied only when 4 is a Y in the courses or students or both ? What I mean is A has the combination Y N Y Y , while b has Y N Y Y and c has Y N Y N ; I assume that both will map to A. Suppose it were the other way around ; suppose A had the combination Y N Y N , and b and c had their existing combinations ; which of them would map to A ?

Thanks for responding. Here are the answers:

1) Each of these courses are unique. So, no two courses will have the same combination

2) It is a one to many mapping. One course can be mapped to multiple students, vice versa is not true (# of courses are lesser than # of students).

'What I mean is A has the combination Y N Y Y , while b has Y N Y Y and c has Y N Y N ; I assume that both will map to A': Yes thats right

'Suppose it were the other way around ; suppose A had the combination Y N Y N , and b and c had their existing combinations ; which of them would map to A': c->A, since b has Y under 4, it will be considered when looking for a match.

Let me know if this answers your question.
Hi ,

The solution is to create 4 ranges named Criteria_1 , Criteria_2 , Criteria_3 and Criteria_4 , referring to the respective criteria columns , in my worksheet , based on your sample date , I have used E5:E9 , F5:F9 , G5:G9 and H5:H9.




Please note that I've split the formula over three lines for ease of reading ; when entering this in Excel , please combine the entire text into one formula. The formula is an array formula , and needs to be entered with CTRL SHIFT ENTER.

The course data is on the sheet labelled COURSES ( D5:H9 ) , and the students data is on the sheet labelled STUDENTS ( K9:O16 ) , while my workbook is named Book17. Change all of these to suit your data.

Thanks for the solution. This would work. But I have more than 12 criterias out of which 3 are flexible criteria (# might go up in future). In this case the match formula would become very complicated and in case of changes it will become very cumbersome. Is it possible to have a macro or a formula which is easier to amend.
Hi ,

With more than 12 criteria , some of them flexible , I think any formula will be a nightmare , unless you have a lot of helper columns to split the formula into manageable chunks.

Better still would be a VBA procedure , but I for one cannot draft a procedure unless you can give complete details of your worksheet such as the data , criteria , rules for the flexibility ,... If you can upload a specimen worksheet , I can work on it.

Hi, sana1!

Check this:


Just Alt-F8 and select and run macro "CreateTableZ".
