Krishna Khemraj
New Member
I have a sheet with 100 columns. I have placed a rectangle in the top cell of each column. I would like to create a single macro that is triggered when any rectangle is clicked and the data table will sort ascending or descending based on the column the clicked rectangle resides. I am having trouble passing the identity of the clicked rectangle to the code. My problem line is the temp value of Set pShape = .ClickedRectangle. I put that there as a place holder till I figure it out.
Sub SortCurrentRectangle()
Dim pShape As Shape ' Rectangle that is clicked.
Dim pRange As Range ' Range to be sorted starting at Rectangle location and down 103 columns.
With Worksheets("Metrics")
storeActiveCell = ActiveCell.address 'Store last selected cell
Set pShape = .ClickedRectangle 'Pass the clicked rectangle into the code
Set pRange = Range(pShape.TopLeftCell, pShape.TopLeftCell.Offset(103, 0)) 'Set the range to be sorted
If Range("A2").Value = 0 Then '0 Identifier for sorting Ascending
Call ButtonSortMetricsPageA(pRange.address) 'Run ascending sort code
Range("A2").Value = 1
Else '1 Identifier for sorting Descending
Call ButtonSortMetricsPageD(pRange.address) 'Run descending sort code
Range("A2").Value = 0
End If
Range(storeActiveCell).Select 'Move the active cell back.
End With
End Sub