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Find only those cells with filled formatting


Using Go To ... Special, you can find and isolate cells with either blanks or non-blanks, then using Ctl-Enter you can replace the contents globally.

Is there a way to find and isolate cells (with/without a macro) filled with a particular color? border? etc.?

Thank you in advance
Nevermind . . . I was lazy and should have done a little research beforehand. Here's the solution, in case anyone's interested.

Select the range you'd like to search.

1. Press Ctl-F to invoke the Find/Replace dialog box and then select the Find tab.

2. With nothing in the Find What box, click on the Format button, which will open the format dialog box.

3. In the Format dialog box, go to the Fill tab and then select the appropriate colour.

4. Click on OK to close the Format dialog and then choose Find All. The address of all the cells with that particular colour will be listed in the find and replace box.

5. Select one and then press Ctl-A to select all other similar coloured cells.

6. Close the dialog.

7. Type whatever you'd like to put in the cell and press Ctl-Enter

source: http://www.techfuels.com/everything-else/5732-finding-cell-colour-excel.html