I am trying to calculate the min date of available results
Row 1 has possible dates
Row 65 has possible results
Col A has headings
1 A B C D E
11/1/13 12/1/13 1/1/14 2/1/14
65 - - .25 .35
Row 65 has an IFERROR( calculation, "-") so the first possiblle result is Jan 2014
I cannot make a combination of Min, sumproduct, and isnumber work
I cannot make a combination of Index, Match, and isnumber work
Row 1 has possible dates
Row 65 has possible results
Col A has headings
1 A B C D E
11/1/13 12/1/13 1/1/14 2/1/14
65 - - .25 .35
Row 65 has an IFERROR( calculation, "-") so the first possiblle result is Jan 2014
I cannot make a combination of Min, sumproduct, and isnumber work
I cannot make a combination of Index, Match, and isnumber work