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Find matching phrase from a list in a sheet and count


New Member
Please help!!!

I am very novice when it comes to vba/macros and often times I search for codes and put them together to see if they will work on my problem.

I have a file at work which kinda looks like the "Test Counter" file I am attaching here just thousands of columns long.

Basically, I wanted to count how many columns in my "data" sheet contains a phrase from my "keywords" sheet and populate the result in column b of my "keywords" sheet.

I chanced upon this earlier thread but the solution counts the words rather than a part of the comment: https://chandoo.org/forum/threads/vba-extract-unique-words-from-range-and-count-optimization.13001/

My list of keywords my change from time to time (i.e. additional keywords might be added and, likewise, deleted at some point), and ranges from 10 keywords up to 100 keywords at a time. I am using an excel formula in my actual file in the office, but it takes almost half the day or more to run the formulas as the number of keywords/phrases i needed to count increase.


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wow! that was fast. it does what i want it to do :)
on your comment on row 3, it was my bad. i forgot to remove the "card" in the keywords texts but the result is still correct in that because the keyword was incorrect and gave "0" as a result.

thanks a lot :)