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Find Links, but no Objects or Names to be Found


New Member
Hi all,

I have used the code posted by @Debraj in this thread: http://forum.chandoo.org/threads/find-the-hidden-links-in-excel-work-book.9040/

Here is the code:
Sub ListLink()
Dim deb()
Dim i As Long: i = 0
For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
  For Each cell In sh.UsedRange
  If Left(cell.Formula, 1) = "=" And InStr(cell.Formula, "[") > 1 Then
  ReDim Preserve deb(i)
  deb(i) = sh.name & "-" & cell.Address
  i = i + 1
  End If
  Next cell
Next sh
Sheets.Add.name = "ListLink"
Sheets("listLink").Range("A1:A" & UBound(deb) + 1).Value = deb
End Sub

However, because there are no instances of "[" found, there are no link references to be copied to the sheet ListLink (this macro does the same thing as Excel's Find in Worksheets, looking in Formulas for "["), so the code ends up crashing as there is nothing in the array to paste.

In relation to my workbook (workbook 1):

I have tried searching for Objects, but with no results.
There are no charts in the workbook.
There are no hidden sheets which might contain charts or formulae linking to the external workbook.

The only thing I can think of is there was a dump from a worksheet in an external workbook, but I have even deleted the sheet in workbook 1 which contained the external link. I remember reading how Excel keeps a copy of the linked data in the background, so maybe that's still there?

Is there vba code which looks everywhere for the link?

Thank you,

Thanks @NARAYANK991

I've looked at that, but I forgot to mention I'm using Excel 2013 and that Add-In is only for 97. I've installed the Add-In, but in 2013 I can't find where to locate it, so I assumed it is not really applicable for 2013.