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Find digits in any order


New Member
Hi All,

I need a formula to locate a series of 3 or 4 digits in any order in an range. I am sure the countif will do it but I don't know the formula.
Would be helpful if you posted a file with an example of what you have 8-10 records and a mocked up solution. In this manner, we will completely understand your vague request.
I am looking for a way, if I place a series of digits in C1, and it will locate that number in any order in the range of C8:C500. Example: Say I placed 0074 in Cell C1, then I want it to highlight every number in C8:C500 that has those digits in any order. Assuming these digits were in that range, It would highlight 0470, 0074, 7040, 0047, 7740, 7004, and 4007. This can be accomplished with conditional formatting i'm sure, I just don't know how to do it.

Thank You for your assistance.


  • LocateTest.xlsx
    9.5 KB · Views: 3
CF (conditional formatting) rule for C8:


Applies to: $C$8:$C$500

You were given this solution when you asked almost an identical question on ExcelForum a month ago:


  • Firedog LocateTest Chandoo CF AliGW.xlsx
    9.8 KB · Views: 5
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