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Find a value in a range that is nearest and within +/- of another value


I have partially solved a problem by finding the nearest value in a range (A2:A28) of another value (in cell C1) by using the following formula:


The part I am having trouble with to find the nearest value in a range (A2:A28) to the number in cell C1, if it is within +/- 3 of C1.

Can anyone help please? See attached file.


  • FindNearestValueWithin.xlsx
    10.5 KB · Views: 13
try array-entering:
If there's a tie (one my be, say, 1 under and the other 1 over), the first in the list is chosen.
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This looks different only because I never use direct cell referencing. I first define a named formula delta to perform the array calculation
= IF( ABS(Numbers-Value)<=3, ABS(Numbers-Value) )
Then that is used as the basic for the INDEX+MATCH
= INDEX( Numbers, MATCH( MIN(delta), delta, 0 ) )

Since I am using an Office 365 dynamic array version of Excel, I could also use
= XLOOKUP( MIN(delta), delta, Numbers )
= FILTER( Numbers, delta=MIN(delta), "none" )
This looks different only because I never use direct cell referencing. I first define a named formula delta to perform the array calculation
= IF( ABS(Numbers-Value)<=3, ABS(Numbers-Value) )
Then that is used as the basic for the INDEX+MATCH
= INDEX( Numbers, MATCH( MIN(delta), delta, 0 ) )

Since I am using an Office 365 dynamic array version of Excel, I could also use
= XLOOKUP( MIN(delta), delta, Numbers )
= FILTER( Numbers, delta=MIN(delta), "none" )

Hi Peter, appreciate your response. I haven't tried xlookup yet but you have given me something to work on. Thank you.
try array-entering:
If there's a tie (one my be, say, 1 under and the other 1 over), the first in the list is chosen.

Hi p45cal, also appreciate you taking the time to respond. Thank you