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find a value in a range and select

it was seemed easy but i can't do it that's why i am asking for your help.
all day i am making search but although i have found many codes noone works at least as i want
so i have a cell a1 in worksheet a that is a formula that result is today date
i can format in any type its need to work the code
in all worksheet b there are many dates (think about it as a diary) the dates are result of formulas
my goal is to make a search of today date in worksheet b. my thought was to have the value in a1 copied and with find function to search in worksheet b and select if found

any ideas please
Dear Mr King, If not too much trouble, could you add a sample file along your question please.
It don't get what you are after. With an example workbook, that becomes easier.
Well. You asked a question in general Excel forum, what did you expect? ;)

I've moved the thread to VBA forum.

As for code. Just use Date + Format. Since Date in vba is equivalent of Today() worksheet function.
Sub findadate()
Dim c As Range
With Sheet2.Cells
    Set c = .Find(Format(Date, "dd mm yyyy"), LookIn:=xlValues)
    If Not c Is Nothing Then
    End If
End With
End Sub