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financial statement formats in excel

I am preparing financial statements in excel for my dept. They said they want a Variance sheet so as to compare actuals vs budgeted figures which can compare monthly, quarterly and yearly figures. I was thinking of displaying these figures in a single sheet using drop downs for months, years and quarters. I was wondering if anyone has such an excel sheet already prepared which he is kind enough to share?

Hi T100,

You can Google the forum for a ready made sheet or upload sample data for custom made one, the second option will be easier for you.

Thanks Faseeh for your help. I have uploaded my file. It is a bit complicated. My main sheet is the "final report". What I need is to be able to select values in the blue columns which can be compared with the ones in the red columns. I need to compare data in 3 ways, month-on-month, jan, feb, etc; cumulative apr to mar, apr to dec, etc; Qtr 1, Qtr 2, etc. So I need a check box which gives 3 options for monthly, quarterly and cumulative and based on that the values in the dropdowns should change.

I'll also explain the sheets. The "final report" pulls data from the "YTD", which uses most of the formulas and it in turn pulls raw data from the sheets marked "2011", "2012", etc...

The file... http://www.filedropper.com/mis
Hi T100,

If you want to add check Boxes for selecting comparison method, what will you do to the drop down list?? Will the contents of that also change?
Yes Faseeh. I want 3 options to select from monthly, cumulative and quarterly. So based on my selection if I choose monthly the drop down values should change to apr, may, jun, etc. If I choose Quarterly it should change to Qtr I, Qtr II, etc and if cumulative is chosen it should change to Apr to May, Apr to Jun, Apr to Jul, etc. And subsequently the values of the categories in the sheet "final report" like cost of sales, gross margin, etc should also change. As of now the excel file only shows cumulative figures.
Hi T100,

See this link for Dynamic Lists:

