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filtering problem

dear friends,
just wanted to know why when i put equals 3000 in auto filter ,i don't get any result (shown in screenshot) but when i put greater than equal to 3000 i get the correct result

thanx and rgds



  • upload_2014-5-15_23-52-7.png
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  • upload_2014-5-15_23-58-41.png
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Try this & understand why this happen!!

B3 - .5
C3 - =MOD(A3,B3)=0

You will get true that says itself why this happening.o_O
sorry deepak,
i am not getting you.
I just want to know if I put 3000 i am not getting the result. I have to put 3,000.00 to get the correct result.
But with greater than result comes with 3000 (no need to type 3,000.00)
You can't the get equal result by putting 3000 for 3000.00.You need to put 3000.00 for the same.
As same is not allowed by design/mathematics used in excel. Hope you get the point.