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Fill Handle Series


Excel Ninja
Is there any Keyboard Shortcut..

to fill Handle Series.. Just like Double Click at the bottom Right Corner of selected Range, and it will fill to the last used Cell (on left/Right)

PS: (Alt+E+I+S) wouldn't worked in case of JAN,FEB..
Hi, Debraj Roy!

Ctr-D is the shortcut described in the cool link that b(ut)ob(ut)c posted, but it's language sensitive. So it works in English versions, in Spanish versions you should use Ctrl-J.

Hi bobhc,

You are the second BOB (after Bob Umlas) who is showing me this trick.. :)

Let me clear, I don't like to use MOUSE when working with Excel.

In fact I use Shift + F8 to select non-contigious cells.

b(ut)ob(ut) I fail when need to fill bobhc 1, bobhc 2, bobhc 3... in next Row / Column, and Mouse passed with full marks.. :)

I have lots of Shortcuts to work

*(Ctrl + ') - Fill Down Formula

*(Ctrl + ") - Fill Down Value

*(Ctrl + D) - Fill Down Formula + Value

* Alt + E + I + S (Edit > Fill > Series)

but none of them works in case of Custom List or Word with Number Suffix.

I just want keyboard shortcut to

Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A1:A15"), Type:=xlFillDefault

He doesn't know excel, he knows MAGIC.. :)
