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File Opening Issues VBA Project [very interesting]


Dear All

Please find attached Document. I find it in some where, Acutally it is a costing Data sheet from globalized team, to calculate cost of particular data. But i need to modify the code, there is a VBA Protect password, so i can't able to view & edit the code. I have tried HEX decoder to break or crack the password. After that a message box will appear and delete the module.

and if i open normally, then it says "file copied to local" and close the file. So please help to open the file and view the code.




EDITED: deleted link to copyrighted uploaded file and closed post. SirJB7.
Hi, vijay.vizzu!

The file you uploaded opens on a worksheet named "The_Cautions_On_Secrecy" and it displays in red over white the following warning:

"■This cost table is confidential to the outside of the company.

These cost tables are confidential to the outside of the company data used inside YMC & IYM.

Read these notes carefully, and when you have recognized the contents enough, apply.

[About a data indication ]

The following act to the outside of a YMC & IYM registered person is forbidden strictly.

(The act which conflicts with confidential information management besides the following is forbidden. )

・An indication or transfer of data (The copy of paper, printed matter, data, etc.)

・Sending of the data using e-mail

・The verbal account of the details of the contents of data in a meeting etc.

[About data storage ]

Although printing of user each is possible about a cost calculation result, manage with responsibility each one.

Be careful of the following act enough.

・Mislaying of data

・A failure of printed matter to take. etc "

So please don't post any file that infringes copyright laws or dispositions/conditions of use of it legal owners.


PS: for your information, there are only 19 lines of code in ThisWorkbook section only, so please check information before titling a topic as "very interesting", which in fact is not compliant with:

"Use Relevant words in the Title and in the tag Box, This will aid future searches."

"Please don't post links to copyright material including Books, Videos etc. Your post will be deleted"

So please edit and remove the link to the file or it'll be deleted. Thank you.