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Feeding Inputs


New Member
Hello everyone, its been an awesome day learning excel everyday.

And this site made me love to learn more about the potential of excel. Thanks

to Chandoo and his passion for excel, it's really addicting. Anyway,

I just want to ask your opinion regarding the use of excel just like a word program.

As I observed, especially in the manufacturing or production most of their procedure or work instructions and especially forms are made using excel. Combination of flowcharts/shapes and text/notes on it. As a successor of the job, sometimes I find it hard to understand and differentiate the potential of both programs(excel and word). Sometimes I create a forms using word or sometimes excel. But right now I find it easy to create a forms using a word instead.

Any experience on your specific industries are welcome.

It would be better to give examples on why you choose excel over word.

Cheers to all,
