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Facing issue while opening or saving excel file with macro.


Excel Ninja

I am facing issue while opening or saving excel file with macro.
I am using below line to open excel file in my code.

“Workbooks.Open (MapSht.Range("A13").Value)”

Once macro tries to execute this line, I get pop-up with below message.
Downloadig (message header)
Downloading: file path and file name
Cancel (button)

If I do not click on ‘Cancel’ then macro does not proceed.
If I click on cancel, files gets opened and macro resumes.
Same issues occurs while trying to save the file.

Can anyone please help me in this.
Without knowing what's stored in the cell. Hard to help you. Give us as much detail as you can (along with screen shot if possible).

By chance are you trying to save file in synced folder to cloud storage?
Hi @Chihiro sir, the cell value has values something below.


File is saved in shared folder. I was able to run this macro without this issue till a week back.
Facing issue from last 1-2 days.

My apologies for incomplete details in original post.
Thanks a lot for the help. Have a nice day ahead. :)
Sounds like some change to network/IT policy.

I'd suggest checking with your IT team.

One other potential solution, may be to check your Trusted network location and make sure that you have Z:\ and/or local network included in the trusted location.