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Extracting chart legends


New Member
I'm trying to build a 'small multiples chart. The charts are basically stacked bar charts showing the distribution of responses on a series of Likert items from a survey. It seems to me to be better design practice NOT to show legends on each chart. The page layout is such that I would like to 'extract' the legend to show at the bottom of the Word page where the chart will appear. Does anyone know if this is doable.

Thanks in advance. This is, BTW, a GREAT site it was mentioned on the AEA (American Evaluation Association) Tip of the Day Blog. Excellent stuff. You're saving me from buying and learning Tableau and also from fighting with the graphing'feature' of the data analysis package I use SPSS.
I'm not sure exactly how to visualize what you want. Can you just make the bottom/last chart have a legend, and all the others not have legends? Depending on the number of charts, maybe you could make a panel chart?

Jon talks a bit about legends here:


He's also got several articles on panel charts, if you want to go that route.