Yvonne Love
Good afternoon all!
We download data from a database and some of the data has a cell containing a single string of text, from which we would like to extract multiple sections. Here is an example of the data in the single string: District/ESC/Charter Name: Ingleside<br/>District/ESC/Charter Contact: Lynne Porter<br/>District/ESC/Charter Contact Email: lynne.porter@inglesideisd.org<br/>District/ESC/Charter Contact Phone: 3617767631<br/>Attendee: Name: Lynne Porter Email: lynne.porter@inglesideisd.org Phone: <br/>Attendee 2: Name: Danny Glover Email: danny.glover@inglesideisd.org Phone: <br/>Attendee 3: Name: Deborah Jones Email: deborah.jones@inglesideisd.org Phone:
We would like to be able to extract the Attendees' names and emails into separate cells so we can compile a registration name/email list. I know how to extract text before and after and in between characters, but I'm not sure how to, if it's possible, extract this data so we don't have to manually pull everything out. I've also attached a spreadsheet with literally this one cell of data (and a header). Is this possible? Without VBA or Power Query, if possible.
Thanks in advance! And happy holidays!
We download data from a database and some of the data has a cell containing a single string of text, from which we would like to extract multiple sections. Here is an example of the data in the single string: District/ESC/Charter Name: Ingleside<br/>District/ESC/Charter Contact: Lynne Porter<br/>District/ESC/Charter Contact Email: lynne.porter@inglesideisd.org<br/>District/ESC/Charter Contact Phone: 3617767631<br/>Attendee: Name: Lynne Porter Email: lynne.porter@inglesideisd.org Phone: <br/>Attendee 2: Name: Danny Glover Email: danny.glover@inglesideisd.org Phone: <br/>Attendee 3: Name: Deborah Jones Email: deborah.jones@inglesideisd.org Phone:
We would like to be able to extract the Attendees' names and emails into separate cells so we can compile a registration name/email list. I know how to extract text before and after and in between characters, but I'm not sure how to, if it's possible, extract this data so we don't have to manually pull everything out. I've also attached a spreadsheet with literally this one cell of data (and a header). Is this possible? Without VBA or Power Query, if possible.
Thanks in advance! And happy holidays!