Pete Mccann
As one of my "non-work" activities, I am involved with a small charity. We can claim Gift Aid from the UK government on any monies (membership fees or cash donations) to the charity. We summarise these cash gifts and submit a claim to the UK government. The government then pays us 25% of all donations received and this forms a considerable contribution to our charity. I manage the funds received through a spreadsheet. In the attached file (an extract of a bigger file) we have a list of members names, Membership type and a set of dates when they have either paid their membership fees ("Date membership paid 2018" and the associated amount "Amount of Membership 2018) or donations (#1 to #6) and the associated dates of these donations.
Many thanks in advance.
- Some of our members do not pay yearly fees but may pay donations.
- Some of our members only pay yearly fees.
- Some of our members make donations only and do not pay yearly fees.
Many thanks in advance.