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Extract Data/filter Pivot table


New Member
Hello Guys,

In the attached file I have a data tab and a pivot table.
For each employee (personal number) I want to see the reported hours proportion over the cost center, so in the values column, I have for each employee sum of 100%.
I want a separate pivot table for all employees who reported at least 1 hour to a cost center starting with 1000 (1800-XXX is my department and 1000-XXX is another department), but I need all the reported hours in order to see the entire proportion.
for example, if there is an employee who reported 20 hours to 1000-XXX and 160 hours to 1800-XXX I would like to see his name and 12.5% in the 1000-XXX and 87.5% in the 1800-XXX row.



  • Excel Question.xlsx
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