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Extract a particualr part of text


New Member
Dear friends,

I'm stuck with a problem. We get datasheet (xls) file with data in single column but multiple rows, like:


0 - 3.6 bar(g)

10-16840 MM

0.7 - 75 deg C

What I need to do is to extract "0" i.e before - symbol.... and then extract 3.6, 16840, and 75 which comes after - symbol in rows above.

It means that in two separate columnsI have to extract all values which comes on:

1. Left side of "-" symbol (Ex: 0, 10, and 0.7.

2. Between Right side of "-" symbol and the blank space (Ex: 3.6, 16840, and 75).

I'm not able to figure out a formula for this.

Select the cells, goto Data - Text to Columns. Choose delimited. On next page, select the space, and for the "other" category, put a dash. Make sure the option for "treat consecutive delimiters as one" is selected. Hit Finish, and you're done.