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Excel Worksheet Protection


New Member
Hi, I have a workbook in which I cannot protect a worksheet from being viewed. I go to File, Protect Workbook and the Restrict Permissions by People is greyed out when I select it. I have several worksheets in which others will go to their worksheet and fill out. I have a Manager worksheet that I do not want to hide, but want it listed at the bottom and that I only have access to it. Is there a way to do this? Any help is greatly appreciated.
In short, no.
You can make it difficult to get to, but XL is not strong enough to keep someone from getting to data in a workbook, especially if they can open the workbook. The best course of action would be to have the manager sheet separate, in a different workbook.

If the manager sheet doesn't contain sensitive information that you would be okay with others seeing, and merely want to stop them from accidentally seeing, you could try to set the sheet to be very hidden (via VBA), protect structure of workbook (that only you have password to), and then have a macro to unhide sheet (and have the VB password protected). Again, and I can't stress it enough, this is only a hindrance, not full protection.