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Excel with Sharepoint


New Member

I want to show the excel graphs and data into the sharepoint.

> How can i do it , do we have any option in the excel 2007/2010. If yes can anyone please help me put.

> If i have a long sharepoint database into sharepointm how to query(connection query) it over excel to get the report in excel format.
Hi zaheerbk,

You might get better responses in a Sharepoint forum.

One approach I have used to put Excel graphs in Sharepoint, is by using an Excel "web part". Your Sharepoint administrator may be able to provide you such web parts.

As far as your second question about getting Sharepoint info into Excel, there are a few different options:

While in Sharepoint, you could try "Export to Excel", and then manipulate the data in Excel.

You could also try the options found on the "Data" ribbon in Excel. You could try the "From Web" or "From Other Sources" choices. The first is good if you only have access to a URL. The second is useful if you have access to the actual database.

