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Excel VBA - Saving to specific File Extensions by Cell in Different Sheet


New Member
I would like to use Excel & VBA to open a word document upon clicking a link in Excel, and save that word document based off of a cell value.

I have no issue opening a document; I'm having trouble linking the cell name to the file name on the active sheet.

Any help would be great! This is simple...I will be a ninja someday. But not this day


My code:

Dim oWd As Word.Application, oWdoc As Word.Document

Dim NewFileName As String


'NewFileName = wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B4").Value & ".xlsm"

Set oWd = CreateObject("Word.Application")

Set oWdoc = oWd.Documents.Add

oWdoc.Sections(1).Range.Text = "I'll format this into a template"

oWdoc.SaveAs ("C:MyTest.doc")



Set oWdoc = Nothing

Set oWd = Nothing
Hi, OmegaWolf!

Slightly modified your worksheet (no need of comment link and addition of a command button) and nearly not modified your VBA code.


Check if this works for you, just select the cell from Table1 (predefined by you) and click the button.
