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Excel VBA code to refresh connection to SQL Server stored procedure


Hi All,
I am using excel vba code to refresh connection to SQL server stored procedure.
The problem is I dont want it to refresh all my data, I just want it to append the extra bit of data to my excel sheet from last time it updated. Is there any way VBA code can help ?
You can't refresh part of a connection. Unless there is a way (i.e. a criterion you can use in a WHERE clause) to filter the data from the SQL Server so that you only get the updates, you're probably out of luck.

Can I ask why it matters?
I actually used the Where condition in sql script. The reason is every it refreshes it will overwrite the old data I have working on it.
Hello Guys,
As I cannot append the data to my current working sheet so I try to retrieve a section of the data and copy from sheet1 to sheet2 (working sheet) but I got error message [Application Error 1004] when I try to select Range "A2".select in sheet2. Pls explain why cannot?

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim tblCurrent As Range
Dim lRow, lasrRow As Long
Dim new_Date As Date
Dim old_Date As Date
Dim FoundCell As Range
Dim wb As Workbook

Set wb = ActiveWorkbook

'Show InputBox and Collect Data in a String Variable
new_Date = InputBox("Please date with this format [dd-mm-yyyy] to start with:", "Collect user Input")
'End Macro if Cancel Button is Clicked or no Text is Entered
If IsEmpty(new_Date) = True Then Exit Sub
    With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("test").OLEDBConnection
    .CommandText = "usp_GetNewData '" & new_Date & "'"
    End With
With Sheet1
Set FoundCell = .Cells.Find("Name").Offset(1, 0)
'Define the first row of the data
lRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row - FoundCell.Row + 1
Debug.Print TypeName(lRow), lRow
'Set up the dynamic Table of Data
Set tblCurrent = FoundCell.Resize(lRow, 7)
'Adding 5 more rows as data starting at row 6
'old_Date = Range("D" & lRow + 5).Value
End With

With Sheet2
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Range("A1").Offset(lastRow, 0).Select
End With

End Sub
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Right I got it. Thanks very much Can you explain to me why in Sheet1 I use
Range("A6").Select I dont need the dot but sheet2 I do the same but it throws the error. And why we don't use .Activesheet.Paste?
And the other thing is when i try to re run the script with different date, it pastes the data in the memory not the new updated data. Any idea guys?
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Hi guys,
I pulled my hair for the whole trying different to paste the updated value, but for some reason it continues to paste the previous queried data. If I use F8 to step over then it works ok, but when i try to command button click the issue happenes. I am not sure where to find the old data as the office clipboard is cleared with application.cutcopymode = false.
Give up for today!
Make sure the connection properties do not allw it to refresh in the background. That way it will have to finish refreshing before the code continues.
As debaser said, try disabling the background refresh.
You can do this for a querytable with the below:
Sheets("sheet_name_here").Range("Cell_in _table_range").ListObject.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
Hello Debaser and Stevie,
I got it worked now after I tried Stevie ways a few times, but it always throws up the error,then do more research on the net and finally I understood what Debaser means is when setting up the Data connection using external link, on connection property screen untick the option "Enable background Refresh".
I write here so any one having the same issue can check it again.
Thank you guys.