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Excel to Outlook


New Member
Could someone assist please?

I need to send out emails to several addresses. I have these addresses in an Excel spreadheet and select the relevant addresses I need which are then stored in a couple of cells, e.g A1 & A2.

What I need to do is to then create an email message with the addresses (BCC), as well as wanting to insert a "From" address, a Subject and some information in the message, and as part of this message I need to insert a table.

I hope this is enough information.

I would really appreciate your help.


please visit the below rona link it'll help you


if you will not get the information please refer us again



You also may want to look at the following thread to adapt the technique to your need.


Thanks for your responses, however I've had to go a different way.

I have an embedded email template in an Excel spreadsheet. I have a list of email recipient addresses also in the spreadsheet.

Using a Macro, I am able to open the embedded email message, however then I am having problem trying to add the recipients.

Another issue I am having is when the Email message opens, I can't switch back to the Excel spreadsheet unless I close the email

message, which defeats the purpose.

Note, I need to add the recipients as BCC, if this is relevant.

Does anyone have a simple Macro that can help me?

The code is not much, all it does is open the embedded mail message:

Sub Macro12()


' Macro12 Macro



Selection.Verb Verb:=xlPrimary

End Sub

The addresses I have are in e.g. Cell G5 - abc@def.com.au; fgy@tyu.com.au; vse@drt.com.au; etc.

Can you assist with this please?