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Excel - subtotal issues


New Member
I recently used Subtotal as part of some data computations in a file of some 15,000 records. I know there is a way to accomplish this, but I haven't been able to figure out the solution: I want the subtotal rows to be a permanent, printable part of my spreadsheet and to be able to work with the subtotal figures (average the subtotals, for example). I have been able to copy just the subtotals and to work with them as a separate spreadsheet, but that's a work-around solution and isn't terribly satisfying or elegant. Ideas?
I'm with Montrey, not sure what the issue is. You state that you have the subtotals already...why can't you print them currently?
I apologize; my initial posting was a bit confusing. In essence, my perception is that each of the subtotal rows is visible and can be worked with, but that they behave a little differently... I've been working with the spreadsheet and think the REAL issue is that I've never used SUBTOTAL before and so am having to familiarize myself with it further before screaming for help. I can print them and they are, of course, visible in the worksheet, but ...well, I need more experience with them before I can accurately describe any problems.

Again, I apologize.
Hope you get things figured out. =)

If you want, you could upload a file, and we could try to go from there.