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excel-stock-quotes does not work for some stocks -- ALGN and TFM


New Member
Dear Support team,

Thanks very much for the website http://chandoo.org/wp/2010/06/02/excel-stock-quotes/

It works great for most of the stocks, but I have found a problem with these two stocks, ALGN and TFM. The last Trade Price was blank.

I will be very appreciate for your suggestion!


My guess is that it's part of the "comma in a name" bug that Daniel mentions here:


The updated file catches most of the problems, but it appears that there are others. Looking in the code, I'd recomend changing the PostProcessActiveRange macro to this

Private Sub PostProcessActiveRange()

Dim vArr As Variant
Dim i As Long

If rnAR_Dest.Columns.Count > 2 Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

' This code deals with the comma bug in the Name of a
' company, if it is returned before a numeric value.
' In this case, YF does not enclose the name of
' a company in quotation marks. As a result a comma
' in the name of a corporation (, Inc.) will be treated
' as a field separator by the TextToColumns procedure.
' This code removes such commas. It is unknown what
' impact this may cause on other attributes, but most
' attributes are numeric and so unaffected.
vArr = rnAR_Table.Resize(rnAR_Dest.Rows.Count - 1, 1)
For i = LBound(vArr) To UBound(vArr)
vArr(i, 1) = Replace(vArr(i, 1), ", ", " ")

'The following line was added by Luke M to handle blank columns
vArr(i, 1) = Replace(vArr(i, 1), ",,", ",")
Next i
Application.EnableEvents = False
rnAR_Table.Resize(rnAR_Dest.Rows.Count - 1) = vArr
Application.EnableEvents = True

rnAR_Table.Resize(rnAR_Dest.Rows.Count).TextToColumns Destination:=rnAR_Table, DataType:=xlDelimited, Comma:=True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Worksheets(stAR_ConfigSheetName).[ar_LocalTimeLastUpdate] = Now
End If

End Sub