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excel found unreadable content

hi all,
one of my excel file suddenly is giving the following errror message : excel found unreadable content in ...........xlxs. Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook?

what i want to know is what are unreadable content and in future how can i save my files from such error.
I have done some searching on google but have not reached any satisfactory conclusion.
Hi, paramnayak!

I wrote once or twice about this, give a look at this link:

Unfortunately it leads to another link from this site, but since the forum migration the old links (i.e. 4 years of history) are not longer valid and we don't know if they'll be in the future), making them useless. I tried to find the linked topic but with no success.

So my apologies and my suggestion is that you try to find it by yourself using related keywords within the search tool at top right. Wish you good luck.

If I happen to stump into it, I'll fix the obsolete link (yes, manually, one by one) and post it here.

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Hi, paramnayak!
Your lucky day. Topic found, link fixed.
PS: More than 10' of searching... :( :mad: