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Excel Formulas accumulate days


New Member

I want a formula that if an employee works 6 days 1 off day, 12 days,2 off days.

when i use the following formula, it shows 6 days plus then 2 off days.


d12 is total days worked.

B2 today().

C11 starting day..
Hi, thifu3!

At the risk of being wrong with a very simple formula, have you tried this formula?


It shows 0 for days from 1 to 5, 1 for 6 to 11, 2 from 12 to 17, and so on.

A question: what are the B2 and C11 values used for?

@ siraj. actually i want a formula that my staffs work for 6 days they can accumulate 1 off day. like that 12 days they can get 2 days. B2 is today's date and C11 is used to enter commence date of employee. i think your simple formula is working. any advise, please give.
Hi thifu3,

You need to add the total days worked into the value that SirJB7's and/or oldchippy's formula! You can also use (a one step longer)
FLOOR(D12/6,1) that works equally. The final result must be 

[code]D12+INT(D12/6) OR




Hi, thifu3!

Please give a look at this file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60558749/Excel%20Formulas%20accumulate%20days%20%28for%20thifu3%20at%20chandoo.org%29.xlsx

If I'm not missing anything really big... it works.
