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Excel Formula


New Member
Need Help with the Formula to get the ans show in the picture below as i not sure what went wrong with my formula

My Formula =IF(B4>8,$F$9*$F$8,IF(B4>3,$F$10*$F$7,"Free Parking")) some thing is wrong with this formula but i don't where it went wrong

This is the ans i get with my formula and it wrong when i look on the picture above

Please help me


  • Car Parking Nested IF(1) (2) (1).xlsx
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is this a home work question , so i wont answer completely
but your if is multiplying the values in the threshold table - and not taking into account the time you have parked

so in 2nd entry 12hrs and meets the criteria for over 8 hrs
then F9 * F8 , which is 2 * 3 = 6
in fact anything entered over 8 hrs - so 24 hrs 100 hrs 1000 hrs - will still be 6
is this a home work question , so i wont answer completely
but your if is multiplying the values in the threshold table - and not taking into account the time you have parked

so in 2nd entry 12hrs and meets the criteria for over 8 hrs
then F9 * F8 , which is 2 * 3 = 6
in fact anything entered over 8 hrs - so 24 hrs 100 hrs 1000 hrs - will still be 6
Thx Bro i understand Alr
just to add this home work is for my friend not for me i was just helping out
be careful, you dont do it for your friend , never learn that way - ......
hence why i dont answer here homework/assignments
As i wont be taking an test or my work assessed

friend need to know what they are doing and why - hence the lecturers , and things will move on based on an understanding of these things he/she is doing now

=IF(B4>8,$F$9*$F$8,IF(B4>3,$F$10*$F$7,"Free Parking"))

changed to

that should work

what answer do you get - what you expecting

you have threshold of 6 & 3 - yet you say 8 and 5 in the text


not using the threshold to test, but that could also be used in the formula

I donot know what they have learned so far , and expected to apply
be careful, you dont do it for your friend , never learn that way - ......
hence why i dont answer here homework/assignments
As i wont be taking an test or my work assessed

friend need to know what they are doing and why - hence the lecturers , and things will move on based on an understanding of these things he/she is doing now

=IF(B4>8,$F$9*$F$8,IF(B4>3,$F$10*$F$7,"Free Parking"))

changed to

that should work

what answer do you get - what you expecting

you have threshold of 6 & 3 - yet you say 8 and 5 in the text


not using the threshold to test, but that could also be used in the formula

I donot know what they have learned so far , and expected to apply
Thx bro
I was stupid to use the threshold to test it out and i have change some other thing for the formula to work

I will explain to her why to do it this way.