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Excel Formula Question-- VLookup, Index, Match?


New Member

I'm looking for the easiest way to look up a Product SKU that's part of a table--on a separate Sheet (#1)--and then match it to the same Product SKU data contained on another Sheet (#2). Once the Product SKU number is matched, I'd like to have the value (happens to be text) next to the Product SKU from the table data (Sheet #1), populate the cell (that's the basis of the formula) on the other Sheet (#2). Hoping that makes sense. Please provide your thoughts and solutions. Thanks
well you're on the right track with vlookup or match/index. it will mainly depend on what 'direction' you need to go... if your SKU # is to the left of the data you're after, then vlookup would work, if the data is to the right of your SKU numbers vlookup will not work as it cant go that direction (enter Match/index).


this will look at the SKU # in A1 on sheet 1, it will look for that # in A1:A100 on sheet 2, and if it finds the #, it will return the content in the following Col (2=2nd col of table array range), false means that it will search for an exact match.
Hi, pj!

Let me see if I understand:

- Sheet1, SKU table: ID (column A, e.g.),... Description (column D, e.g.),...

- Sheet2: ..., SKU ID, and you want here the Description from Sheet1,...

If it's that, try doing this in the cell next to SKU ID (column E, e.g.) in Sheet2:

F2: =VLOOKUP(E2,Sheet1!A:J,4,FALSE)

If it isn't, consider uploading a sample file (including manual examples of desired output), it'd be very useful for those who read this and might be able to help you. Thank you.

Give a look at the green sticky posts at this forums main page for uploading guidelines.

Hi, pj!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. And welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
