1. Each time you open the file, immediately save it to a new name (e.g. myfile_27.07.2018.xlsx) so that you have a back-up before you start working (this way you are not constantly overwriting your files).
2. Get into the habit of archiving your older file versions to some form of back-up storage (e.g. cloud and/or external hard drive).
I have automated all this using some free back-up software (I will not name it here, as that would be advertising, but there are several options if you Google). My laptop backs up over the home network every moring when I log on, so that my PC and laptop hard drives are synchronised. My PC is set to back up overnight to two external hard drives and to cloud storage, so I have three copies of my data as back-ups, plus the two synchronised hard drives. This means that if anything goes wrong during the day, I can restore lost data from one of my overnight back-ups. Why cloud storage? Well, my house might burn down.