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Excel Dups Unique


New Member
I am having a day wise data sheets where in i want to know how many times a single customer has been called in a week or in a month (duplicates). I have the formula but if you can replace it with shorter one, b'coz if we go by this formula day wise it becomes large.



I have no knowledge about macros. So if you can help me with formula only. That would be gr8.
Hi, Tarun.M!

I guess that the last COUNTIF should be (Sheet3!B:B,Sheet4!B:B).

Besides, can you define how is your workbook and data structure in detail? Or upload a test file, if you consider it appropriate.


If all the data is in a single sheet Pivot is the best thing to do, if the data is in different tabs, you can use the 3D reference formula:

Ex:Assuming that the data is in tabs from Sheet1, Sheet3 & the count you want is in column B in all the sheets, use the below mentioned formula in sheet 3
