Hello, I have a timeline attached for a schedule. The chart is the type I am looking for but I want this to do is show a chart for one day starting at 5:00AM to 10:00PM. Each job entered will have data that is already known. JOB1 has 'setup' - 'prep' - 'run' so I want this to do is fill the schedule based on the job number. I will know when I select JOB1 it has 1 hour of setup, 1.5 hours of prep and 3 hours of run and then fills the chart with three colors to see the steps on the the timeline. I hope this makes sense. Ultimately I want to select any job which will contain the hours all three steps take and then fill the timeline. Charts are my worst enemy but I don't want them to be. I cannot seem to make this work for what I need. Any help to get me started would be great.