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Error while saving file

Ajay Gupta

New Member
when i am saving my excel file it shows an error saying -"errors were detected while saving file & file can be saved by repairing or removing some feature.To make repairs in new file click continue"

and then after that when i click continue then a diaglogue box shows some log of liosting repairs.


When I am againg saving this file it is again showing the same error.

Please help as I dnt want the file to get corrupted or have any issues,.

Thanks in advance
Good day Ajay Gupta

Can you make a copy and upload to Dropbox, bit hard to look for errors with out seeing, unless a member has had this type of save error and can help
Hi, Ajay Gupta!

Sorry to say but if you got such messages I'm afraid that your file is corrupted yet. But corrupted doesn't necessary means unreadable on unrecoverable.

Microsoft has procedures and techniques for trying to recover files that not always (well, Ok, once yes) work as they say. So my best shoot is backup file and proceed manually, both in the original computer and if possible in another one too.

Despite of this maybe you find useful something from this link:


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