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Entering numbers


New Member
As an Excel beginner, I was surprised to find, in one cell, that when I entered a number and clicked ENTER a date appeared. How can I get rid of this formula or function or whatever it is and clear the cell so that I can enter a simple number?

right click on cell. go to format cells. go to number tab. make the change.

Yeah, here is the thing that annoys people somewhat. you are most like trying to enter a number in a cell next to a cell with a date on it. MS thinks it's smart to auto format your entry the same as the one above it, that they are trying to save a few seconds of your time.

But by my work experience it's more annoying to see the entry isn't what it is supposed to be. A blank worksheet should have all cells stay "general" until we, the users, decide to change the format.
In addition to what Fred said, if you're wanting to input a fraction like 1/4, you'll need to first change the cell format or XL will think you want a date.