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entering data via form

Amit Jain

New Member
can anyone help me to create an excel sheet like the image attached.
will be better if someone uploads the complete file.


  • enter_data_using_form1.gif
    11.8 KB · Views: 16
The form in the image is the built-in tool from XL, with somewhat limited capabilities. To access it, we need to right-click on the ribbon, customize Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). From the dropdown, select "Commands not in Ribbon". Scroll down to "Form", select it, and click the "Add" button to place it on the QAT. Ok out. Now, select your data table, and click the Form button on the QAT. You'll now have the form like in your picture.

Now, if you want a UserForm with more customization options, I suggest starting here:
Debra has an excellent tutorial, and there's even a downloadable workbook.
Hi, Amit Jain!

You were given a link to an excellent site to read about your question and to download examples. Besides what you're asking for it's a built-in Excel feature and you were told about the required steps for getting it displayed: step by step.

Despite of this you answer somehow displeased because you were not provided a file! So you wanted the job all done and you refused to read the posted link, was it so frightening with so much sublinks?

And then you used a non appropriated way to ask for assistance on this thread, when you had received a perfect and clear answer to your question. I think it's time to read again (I now doubt that you did it before) this:
