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Emailing using Excel


Hi, I am looking for a solution to a small problem. I have a list of data, name, address, email i.d. etc in a spreadsheet, which records who attended which meeting group ( group on and group two ). Is there a way to send an email to those groups separately ( I may want to add a personal note into each email , so for everyone who attended mtg one, have a group name perhaps which would allow an email to be sent to those people only and the same for group two.
Hi Luke, some good tips in the link, thanks for that. Not sure it entirely helps me, I had hoped there was a way to set up a distribution list in Excel containing a list of emails i.d. which I could attach to a button perhaps and have that populate an email with a message ,,, i guess king of similar to the Birthday reminder workbook posted by Chandoo a while back.