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Email Reminders using Excel and Outlook


New Member
Hi Chandoo,

Thanks for awesome videos you have on Excel that made me think AwesomeExcel.

My question is

I have Excel Calendar/Spreadsheets which keep track of tasks that my team is performing like who is doing development, testing, delivery of reports etc. Is there a way where i can setup Automated emails using excel to remind them about their task and deadline dates?. If they are done with task they respond to that email via some button and excel spreadsheet gets updated acknowledging completion by them.

Also another part of question is If i ask them about delivery date or some question in that email, will it be possible to update excel spreadsheet with their response?.

Any reference material and suggestions are welcomed. Thanks for your time and looking forward to learn excel from here.
Hi AwesomeExcel,

Welcome to this forum and we glad to have you here.

See Ron's page here, it might help you to get started...

