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Dynamically Change Pivot Table Filters


New Member
Hello. I'm new to the forum, and I am unsure as to whether my question has been asked/answered yet, but here's my problem:

I have two pivot tables. One is an OLAP table, and has several hundred rows of data. My goal is to change the filters on the first table (being able to select multiple items), and a second table on a hidden sheet will have the same filters applied. I've seen examples that have filters added by text in a cell, or by a dropdown, or by another table as long as its only a single item. I know there has to be a way to do it, and it's really bothering me not being able to figure it out. Please help! Thank you.
Hello bigheavy.

please check for example:


There are macros made by Chandoo or his student, that changes Pivot report value by drop_down menu.

Hope it will help you

Wow. That's an awesome dashboard in the post. That dan guy is pretty cool.


If you can't reverse engineer that to be useful, let me know. I'll help you out.
Debra also covers this topic in a Contextures blog post:


I used this code for my reports to manipulate three different tables at the same time.